You’ve reached Caroline Warfield’s stop on the Historical Romance Authors’ Trick-or-Treat Hop. Full instructions on the bottom of the page.
It is ON. Find Caroline’s Candy behind one of these doors.
What then?
Follow these four easy steps to enter the grand prize drawing:
- Hop to each link on the list you find HERE, which will take you to each historical author’s FB page, web site, Amazon page, or Bookbub page.
- Find the piece of candy each author has on their landing page.
- Collect the name of the candy from each listed author
- e-mail the complete list of authors and their candies to
- Put Historical Romance Authors Are So Sweet in the subject line.
- The list must be turned in by 11:59 PM ET on October 31st.
- One grand prize winner, of a $150 gift card, will be selected randomly from those who collected and turned in the list of authors and their candies.
That’s it! While you’re there please like, follow on BookBub, or sign up for a newsletter if you wish to stay up to date on our new releases and author happenings.