The Bootmaker

An Ashmead Christmas

Short-Story-Book-Cover-Boots--188x300 Business was slow in Ashmead in the wake of the old earl’s death. A committee of shopkeepers decided to invite a harness maker on the theory that such a needed and practical service might draw more people to the main market street.

Fletcher Hadden accepted their offer, eager to get out of London’s fetid air and crowded streets. A skilled leather worker, he doesn’t mind harnesses, belts, and other simple tasks, but he is a bootmaker at heart, one who apprenticed at Hoby’s renowned workshop. He finds much to like in Ashmead, particularly one lovely, intelligent young woman with more business sense than half the men in town. He could settle down here if he could expand his business.

Sylvia Denman has more to occupy her mind than husband hunting like the flock of silly women making cakes of themselves over Fletcher Hadden. Admittedly there is a shortage of well employed men in Ashmead, but Sylvia would never stoop to such nonsense. Unfortunately—or perhaps luckily—her mother the matchmaker has no qualms at all.

Soon enough Fletch has a plan to attract her attention–and a way to demonstrate his skills to the entire village.



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