Family~Week Two

Last week I wrote about family, about the role it has played in my books, and about the role it will take in my next series. You can read that post here if you missed it. This week I’m mulling the family of the Earl of Chadourn, the Landrums. This one is complicated because the […]


I generally like to tell people I have a few great passions: faith, history, travel—and family. I use all of them in my books. In the process of writing the Dangerous Books I started with four friends, but I created five families almost by accident: the Wheatlys and the Landrums (A Dangerous Nativity), the Mallets […]

Setting, Characters, and Mail-order Brides

Highlighting Historical Romance with Caroline Clemens I love to write and to read mail-order bride stories. Like most romance readers, I read to relax and dive into another world that guarantees a happily-ever-after ending. After all, if I wanted to be depressed, I could watch the evening news. I strive to be factual as far […]

But Life Happens

You may have noticed The Unexpected Wife has been on one of those arranged blog tours. I’m giving gifts to folks who participate. If you haven’t seen it, check it out here. In the meantime…the Bluestocking Belles are preparing a cover reveal party for September 8. Our 2018 holiday box set features prodigal sons, horses, […]

Culloden: Light After Darkness

Highlighting Historical Romance with Laura Strickland. To anyone who loves Scottish Historical Romance, the Battle of Culloden looms large. In fact, for many of us the entire Bonny Prince Charlie legend more or less epitomizes the bittersweet, double-edged sword—or claymore—of valor and loss, about which we love to read and write. The heart longs to […]

Taking Stock

I’m taking stock of my assets. As a writer, my greatest assets are story ideas and characters. I’ve taken a step back to look at what I have going for me. Let me explain. Now that The Children of Empire Series is well on its way, I have a confession to make. I don’t have […]

Western Trade with Japan before 1854

Highlighting Historical Romance: this week we welcome Sofie Darling who highlights some facts about Western trade in East Asia. When I set out to write my newest release, Tempted by the Viscount, I knew a few facts about the hero: he’s the newly minted Right Honorable Lord Jakob Radclyffe, Fifth Viscount St. Alban, who has […]

War and the Victorian Empire

  Highlighting Historical Romance with Michelle Jean Marie and her research about the Victorian Empire It is difficult to grasp in this day and age that the small island of Great Britain was once the foremost global power for over a century. Britain’s imperial century spanned the years 1815 to 1914, most of that time under […]

Pollen and the Fog of Spring

How can something invisible make me so miserable?  I spent much of the weekend languishing in the recliner. I watched four lengthy documentaries and two feature films and also read three books. Why? Pollen people. When my breathing shuts down I get lethargic and wander around in a brain fog. It’s hard to write when […]