Coffee and Sudden Turns

The work took a sudden turn two weeks ago. I didn’t start The Defiant Daughter until I had a firm handle on the main characters. At least I thought I did. My hold on the external conflict, or as I have come to call it “the villain plot” was less secure. I plunged in and […]

Cruising Speed?

We’ve been home for a few days and caught up with the Hanukkah folks in our life. I’ve been writing over 1000 words a day on Book one of the new series. If I can maintain it, I may have a draft by mid-February and plans for book two in place. There are speed bumps. […]

The Heart of a Writer

After two weeks of driving and visiting, I’m back at my desk today. A highlight was lunch with old friends from Central Ohio Fiction Writers. It was a joy to catch up on everyone’s work, and share with people who love the craft! One topic of particular interest—approaches to starting a new book. Every writer […]

Eye Care in the 19th Century

Highlighting Historical Romance with Pamela Gibson on eye care in the Regency era While researching ophthalmology in the Regency period for Scandal’s Child, I discovered a medical practice in its infancy. A relatively unknown science at the beginning of the 19th century, the field was rife with quacks and charlatans. Much changed with the end […]


One of the most satisfying things for a writer is typing The End on a rough draft. It isn’t the actual end of the process (layers of fixes, rewrites, comments from beta readers, editing, and formatting lie ahead), but it is the point at which the thing exists. I had a moment like that last […]

Mad, Bad, and in Venice

Highlighting Historical Romance this week over Christmas in Venice. Romance stories come together in a variety of ways, an astounding alchemy of life experience, reading, fantasy, and, in my case, history and travel. I do know you can’t force it. The stories just bubble up once I drop enough elements into the caldron. A good […]

Monday Blues

  It’s a rainy Monday here in the urban wilds of eastern Pennsylvania, and I’m having a bit of a let down after a delightful weekend. How was it delightful? Over one hundred and sixty folks came to help the Bluestocking Belles celebrate the launch of Follow Your Star Home, our newest holiday anthology: eight […]

Winds of Inspiration

First Coffee

The wind blows where it wills… It was super windy on Saturday, a gift from Hurricane Willa as it swept back out to sea and turned into a nor’easter blowing across the Jersey shore.  Tradition shows the Holy Spirit as a might wind, blowing wherever He chooses.  Inspiration is like that. I’m looking out at […]