The Quest

Tomorrow, loyal readers, I am off to hobnob with my fellow wizards. I shall set off on the winding road to the bright mountain where the wizards gather to share secrets.  That is to say, I’m packing to go to the Romance Writers of America Annual Conference in New York City.  Sigh. What occurs at […]

Elemental Story Telling

All this week Melissa Stark is featuring analyses of various books in her Elemental Story Telling blog event.  The idea is for authors to view their plot through the lens of the Periodic Table of Storytelling and create a “molecule” that reflects how the tropes and other story elements relate to one another. What is […]

Danger All Around

Writing is one thing; selling books is another.  Many writers finally get their book published and “out there,” feel like they’ve finally climbed the mountain, and turn around only to see an even higher peak lying right ahead of them. There are grizzlies in those mountains and dangers all around. In the world of self-publishing, […]

Is it Magic? The Confusing World of Book Production

I’m still doing the happy dance after finding the paperback version of Dangerous Works on Barnes & Noble.  The rest of the world, if they are aware of me at all, probably scratched their head and asked, “Didn’t that book come out last year?”  Well, yes and no.  If you are a happy member of […]