Betwixt and Between

I find myself torn in at least three directions these days. Having sent final copy of The Renegade Wife off to my editor at Soul Mate, I have been staring at blank Word pages and editing task lists trying to formulate a marketing plan. Since the book has an expected release date of October, I […]

Show It Off!

Caroline Warfield will be the featured author tonight for Coffeetime Romance Show It Off Saturday.  Coffeetime is an important reviewing service and magazine for romance fans, and I’m pleased to be in the spotlight. Stop by, leave a comment, win a prize. Check out their other authors throughout the day.  

A Quick Tip

My History Imagined colleague, Linda Bennett Pennell is here with a wonderful offer. Her historical fiction is thoroughly researched and gave me one of my favorite moments, the one where you say “I didn’t know that!” It is a delight to learn new things. I asked her how she came by her love of history. […]

Highlighting Historical Mystery: Lindsay Downs

Welcome Lindsay Downs! Of the four previous Rogues and Rakehells Mystery series novella this one was the most difficult. First off, I’ve never written a book set entirely, or at least partially, during a house party. Thinking back to all the regencies I have read not one, to the best of my knowledge, addressed this […]

Highlighting Historical Romance: Cheryl Bolen

Cheryl Bolen, author of OH WHAT A WEDDING NIGHT shares her research The Regency’s Most Famous Courtesan Harriette Wilson is touted as “The Greatest Courtesan of Her Age.” Indeed, she was the most celebrated demimonde of the Regency period. Those seeking a racy read within the pages of this book, however, will be disappointed. The […]

Highlighting Historical Romance: Christy Carlyle

This week an interview with historical romance author Christy Carlyle, author of CW:  Why do you write historical romance? I’ve always loved history. My grandpa was a big history buff, and he’d let me take home his books whenever I found one I liked. When I went to college, it was really hard to decide […]

What Was I Thinking!

I just reviewed my to-do list. Merciful angels, what was I thinking? Right before that I posted a project update to for the Bluestocking Belles. Each of us is due to send rough draft of our novella for the Belles’ next holiday anthology to two beta readers on May 1.  It won’t be released until […]