An Imagined Destiny

Highlighting Historical Romance: Becky Lower visits today. What makes Dance With Destiny so special to me is that it’s a branch off my family tree. When I became a teenager, my dad told me the dirty little secret about his grandmother. She was half-Indian, and until the day she died, she had the strong, chiseled […]

1 Happy Christmas

We had: Choir and Mass on Christmas Eve Presents late at night Christmas brunch with ham, crepes and dozens of filling combinations Hanukkah lights and dancing dreidels Too many brownies/sticky buns/chocolates A small dog going insane over his Hanukkah bear squeak toy Chinese food to top it off I hope yours has been happy as […]

7 Things I Learned During My Work In Progress

My current work in progress begins in India. The hero, alas, is court martial-ed unfairly and forced to resign his commission. He has no choice but to take his half-caste children to England before he… Never mind, that’s a story for another time. He returns to England. My challenge became how to get him there, […]

Betwixt and Between

I find myself torn in at least three directions these days. Having sent final copy of The Renegade Wife off to my editor at Soul Mate, I have been staring at blank Word pages and editing task lists trying to formulate a marketing plan. Since the book has an expected release date of October, I […]