It Pours!

It never rains but it pours. The old expression usually refers to an abundance of troubles, but sometimes blessings come as well. We’re having rain daily here in the urban wilds of Eastern Pennsylvania, and the garden loves it. Since it is mostly coming in the evening or overnight, there has been plenty of sunshine […]

Let’s Pretend

I don’t know about you, but I grew up playing role playing games. In a military neighborhood—pre-Saturday morning TV—the movie theaters featured children’s movies every Saturday morning, and all the children our entire neighborhood would pile on to a bus and go the movies. Now, by “children’s movies” I don’t necessarily mean Disney. We watched […]

Hosanna! And other stories

I believe human beings are story tellers by nature. (Though I tell you with a blush, that may just be because I am at heart a storyteller, and I was raised by storytellers.) We relate our experiences. We relate our parents’ experiences. We relate our grandparents experiences. Some of us begin to relate the things […]

Texas by Rail

Highlighting Historical Romance with Caroline Clemmons and her look into rail travel in Texas When I start researching a book, I can easily fall down the rabbit hole. I see something interesting and—even though the information doesn’t pertain to my book—there I go. By the time I reached MONK’S BRIDE, book 5 in the Kincaid […]

It Is Hard to Write When…

Good Monday morning! Things remain at sixes and sevens here. The Big Kitchen Project is almost—but not quite—done. Here’s what I learned: It is hard to write when your office is turned into a field kitchen. It is hard to write when loud pounding ensues. It is hard to write when your brain is full […]

The Best Laid Plans…

With apologies to Robert Burns, plans change. Sometimes life takes an unexpected turn—and so do the stories I write. The beginning and end of The Price of Glory have been clear to me, but the middle—as is often the case—has been murky. I woke up this past week with a harsh light shining on the […]

In The Field Kitchen

I’m hiding this morning. I’ve set up a writing cave in the upper reaches of the house hiding from the crew who are currently demolishing my kitchen. Yes folks, it is Day 1 of The Great Kitchen Project. My office, the wonderful space surrounded by windows has been called into service as a field kitchen […]