Upheaval in Scotland 1706

Highlighting Historical Romance with Jane Stain The Scots are feisty and fiercely independent. Have you ever wondered how England got Scotland under its power? The story of Scotland’s surrender to England went something like this: The Scots Parliament saw England and Spain colonizing the world and bringing home treasures imagined. They wanted in on that […]


I generally like to tell people I have a few great passions: faith, history, travel—and family. I use all of them in my books. In the process of writing the Dangerous Books I started with four friends, but I created five families almost by accident: the Wheatlys and the Landrums (A Dangerous Nativity), the Mallets […]

But Life Happens

You may have noticed The Unexpected Wife has been on one of those arranged blog tours. I’m giving gifts to folks who participate. If you haven’t seen it, check it out here. In the meantime…the Bluestocking Belles are preparing a cover reveal party for September 8. Our 2018 holiday box set features prodigal sons, horses, […]

Culloden: Light After Darkness

Highlighting Historical Romance with Laura Strickland. To anyone who loves Scottish Historical Romance, the Battle of Culloden looms large. In fact, for many of us the entire Bonny Prince Charlie legend more or less epitomizes the bittersweet, double-edged sword—or claymore—of valor and loss, about which we love to read and write. The heart longs to […]

Taking Stock

I’m taking stock of my assets. As a writer, my greatest assets are story ideas and characters. I’ve taken a step back to look at what I have going for me. Let me explain. Now that The Children of Empire Series is well on its way, I have a confession to make. I don’t have […]

Let the Party Begin!

The Unexpected Wife will finally be released in the wild (er, published) on Wednesday. At least the Kindle format will be; print may lag a little, but it should be available soon. Join in the celebration! How you ask? Let me tell you: Order a copy! Or if you are a Kindle Unlimited member beginning […]

The Fate of the Crown Jewels of France

Highlighting Historical Romance with Saralee Etter I am currently working on HER WILD IRISH ROGUE, which takes place in Paris in July 1815, about a month after the fall of Napoleon Bonaparte. As I researched this period of history, I ran across a delightful bit of information about the Crown Jewels of France. All of […]

In Praise of Decent Men

Over the weekend I read Calico Ball a story collection that reminded me why I write and what sort of stories I hope to create.  I bought it because I can never resist a Carla Kelly story, particularly her Westerns. Why? Aside from great storytelling—her heroes. Her regency novels are full of ordinary middle-class men going about their […]