Hell’s Aftermath

Highlighting Historical Romance with P.A. Estelle My contribution to this anthology is, The Widow Buys A Groom. It takes place three years after the ending of The Civil War. This was my first story during this era and research included topics such as, Elmira, a Union camp where Confederates were kept and information on the […]

Family ~ the Fourth One

Goodness! It is Monday afternoon and, yes, I’ve had a few cups of coffee already. Lately i’m running as fast as I can to keep up with myself.  In the past month I went to the Historical Romance Retreat, did a lightning trip to Ohio, and hosted family here. In and around that I’ve keep […]

The Silk Roads

Highlighting Historical Romance today with Jude Knight and Follow Your Star Home. The Silk Roads, a tangled interweaving network of routes that linked Europe to the Far East, formally opened for trade during the Han Dynasty of China, that is, more than 2,300 years ago. It used parts of the Royal Road, which was even […]

Here Again, Gone Again

While I managed to get all the “must do” items from last week in on time, while catching up on being back, I failed completely to make progress on The Next Book, deepen my understanding of world events 1838-40 (I did say Next Book), or finish the draft for the Valentine anthology. SIGH. I did […]

Romance and the Irish Troubles

Highlighting Historical Romance with Alina K. Field I’m celebrating a book birthday this week—the one-year anniversary of the release of The Viscount’s Seduction, Book 2 in my Sons of the Spy Lord Series. It is set against the background of Irish History. The Viscount in question is the second son and heir (the eldest being […]

Plans? Maybe. But First Coffee

As you read this, I should be somewhere over the United States between Philadelphia and Riverside, California. I’m writing it on Sunday because I have to leave the house at 6:15 AM tomorrow for the Airport. I’m off to the Historical Romance Retreat at the Mission Inn in Riverside California. That’s the plan. So far […]

A Blind Hero in the 19th Century

  Highlighting Historical Romance with Bronwen Evans Thank you for having me on your blog this week. I’ve just released DRAWN TO THE MARQUESS, book #2 in my Imperfect Lords series. Stephen Hornsby, the Marquess of Clevedon is going blind. When Stephen popped into my head (as my characters usually do) and told me about […]

Blacksmithing, Clockwork, and Inventions

Highlighting Historical Romance with Juli D. Revezzo We have an extra this week. Join me in welcoming Juli. I’ve been writing stories set in different eras in history, for quite a while, from the Medieval to the late Victorian age, it’s all good. However, when the idea to write Vesta’s Clockwork Companions hit me, I […]

Family ~ the Third Week

Continuing my analysis of the families of the characters in my books, we come to the Haydens. This is a very different bunch than the others I’ve written about. They are wealthier, more powerful, better connected, and—dare I admit it—less happy. If have read any of my books you’ll have met the Marquess of Glenaire—later […]

Family~Week Two

Last week I wrote about family, about the role it has played in my books, and about the role it will take in my next series. You can read that post here if you missed it. This week I’m mulling the family of the Earl of Chadourn, the Landrums. This one is complicated because the […]