
The heroine of The Value of Pity, an unusual young lady, treasures her rare and expensive copy, obsessed as she is with bones and the skeletal system. Images from Wellcome Trust Copyrighted work available under Creative Commons Attribution only licence CC BY 4.0 View or download it here:

Success! Yet the Work Goes On

Launch week for Storm & Shelter flew by. You may remember last week I reported a fairly grueling weekend leading up to launch day. The pace continued. On launch day, we celebrated with a blog hop–a set of posts linked together in a circle—in which our characters lament the presence of a snooping Teatime Tatter […]

He’s Broken

The Value of Pity progresses slowly. There’s been a terrible accident. Here’s a bit for WIP Wednesday. *** People were milling around and hollering— she had no idea what they said—panic rose. Find Arthur. Find Arthur. Find Arthur. Find Arthur. He could be somewhere in the tangle of wheels and wood, but when she saw […]

Writers on Writing

Last week I stumbled on an interesting article about Hemingway’s advice to a young writer. I may not be young in years, but I’m super young in writing, so I took it to heart. There are several gems in it, but the particularly timely one for me was: Don’t get discouraged because there’s a lot […]