The Work Rushes Forward

My carriage is careening down the road this week. I would call it a runaway, but no, I have the reins and it is all under control. Really. The Price of Glory progresses daily. I just passed midpoint, mysterious doings have ensued in Khartoum, and I have come up with a tag line. “A splash […]


Another hot summer day is upon me and I’m back at work at my desk. So much has piled up while I was gone and/or is pending in the near future that I have to get organized. My personal priorities won’t surprise you. but they are only the tiniest bit of help planning my time. […]


One of the most satisfying things for a writer is typing The End on a rough draft. It isn’t the actual end of the process (layers of fixes, rewrites, comments from beta readers, editing, and formatting lie ahead), but it is the point at which the thing exists. I had a moment like that last […]

The Best Laid Plans…

With apologies to Robert Burns, plans change. Sometimes life takes an unexpected turn—and so do the stories I write. The beginning and end of The Price of Glory have been clear to me, but the middle—as is often the case—has been murky. I woke up this past week with a harsh light shining on the […]

You Win Some…

Sports and games have been part of our lives since the ancient Greeks, and probably much longer! Winning…losing… Once my son ran off the soccer field, anxious, looked up at me, and gasped, “What if we lose?” My answer was, “You get up tomorrow, get dressed, and go to school.” Life’s like that. Winning (however […]