Abolition in New Orleans

Welcome Rue Allyn, with the facts behind the fiction in her novel, The Creole Duchess What you may not know about ‘the Underground Railroad.’ 1. Just in case you are unfamiliar with the term, “The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses… in the United States used by enslaved African Americans…” […]

An Unlikely Butler at Clifford’s Tower

I travel. Sometimes I travel by boat, plane, or automobile. Sometimes I travel by book. Sometimes I explore the real world. This week I rambled around York with three more of the Seahaven daughters. The Bigglesworths’ handsome and rather unusual butler accompanied Lady Bess (and my humble self, of course) when she escorted the younger […]

Medieval Women

Highlighting Historical Romance with Rue Allyn Medieval Women: Slaves to Convention or Independent Thinkers (Part one of three) Medieval women were fascinating creatures. The stereotypes that leap to mind include the Great Lady (queens and noblewomen), the yeoman wife, the nun and the downtrodden peasant. Regardless of status, the idea is strange to many fiction […]

A Spotlight on Her Cadillac Cowboy

The past and a classic car stand between them. Will he give up the car he treasures, or will she abandon her dreams in order to ride into a loving future? I enjoyed this one folks. Who wouldn’t want to cuddle up with a big strong cowboy who knows how to snuggle and rock a […]