Prophecy and Curse

Highlighting Historical Romance: a word from Alanna Lucas I love researching art and architecture for my stories, often spending far too much time gazing at pictures of castles and intricate gardens when I should be writing. Such was the case while writing Waltzing with the Earl. After several enjoyable hours researching estates, I came across […]

The Most Important Thing

The most important thing a writer can do is write the next book. No amount of social media activity, advertising, or shameless self promotion will draw readers to your work as effectively as The Next Book. I am happy to report that my pipeline has come back to life. After Dangerous Weakness, I suffered from […]

Down the Research Rabbit Hole

Highlighting Historical Romance: Jude Knight joins us to talk about her work. I love research. I even love research when I have a perfectly delightful plot that falls apart when research proves it couldn’t have happened. Working out what might be historically probable instead, or at least plausible, has allowed me to drop down many […]

Betwixt and Between

I find myself torn in at least three directions these days. Having sent final copy of The Renegade Wife off to my editor at Soul Mate, I have been staring at blank Word pages and editing task lists trying to formulate a marketing plan. Since the book has an expected release date of October, I […]

Highlighting Historical Mystery: Lindsay Downs

Welcome Lindsay Downs! Of the four previous Rogues and Rakehells Mystery series novella this one was the most difficult. First off, I’ve never written a book set entirely, or at least partially, during a house party. Thinking back to all the regencies I have read not one, to the best of my knowledge, addressed this […]

Highlighting Historical Romance: Cheryl Bolen

Cheryl Bolen, author of OH WHAT A WEDDING NIGHT shares her research The Regency’s Most Famous Courtesan Harriette Wilson is touted as “The Greatest Courtesan of Her Age.” Indeed, she was the most celebrated demimonde of the Regency period. Those seeking a racy read within the pages of this book, however, will be disappointed. The […]

Highlighting Historical Romance: Cerise DeLand

As you know we like to highlight the history in historical romance. Today we have a gem from Cerise DeLand. Pauline Bonaparte’s Missing Jewels, Money…and Cerise DeLand’s heroine’s search for lost treasures! As Napoleon Bonaparte signed his abdication in Fontainebleau in April 1814, his much beloved young sister Pauline had been very busy. Not only […]

Highlighting Historical Romance: Susana Ellis

Susana Ellis comes on board today to tell us about how Lady Pendleton (who has been her friend for a while, and who is a key, ongoing secondary character in her new series) evolved. ____________________________________________________ Agatha Tate, Lady Pendleton, has become the star of my new series, The Lady P Chronicles, but she started out […]

Monday Motivations: Winter

I know, I know. That’s an odd one for a motivator. A friend just said temps below freezing and snow make for a good day to finish her edits.  I say grey skies, threatening snow, and sub zero wind chills make the world an unpleasant place. I can a)get depressed or b) slip into my […]