Eight Centuries / Eight Love Stories

If you were lucky enough to attend the Bluestocking Belle’s Cover Reveal party on Saturday, you’ve had a preview of our 2017 anthology, Never Too Late.  We present eight timeless love stories across eight centuries, with eight unique takes on a single trope (a compromising situation that isn’t), an older heroine, a wise man, and […]

The Global Tourist in New Zealand

Jude Knight introduces us to Victorian Tourists to New Zealand. The nineteenth century, says the book I’m currently reading, was the European century; the century in which Europe dominated the world. The nineteenth century was a European one also in the sense that other continents took Europe as their yardstick. Europe’s hold over them was […]

Three Gems; One Holiday Destination

Highlighting Historical Romance: A Holiday in Bath It is my privilege to be part of A Holiday in Bath, a collection of new novellas, all set in Bath, an English spa city known for its thermal springs and healing waters from the time of the Romans. By the Regency era it had become a fashionable […]

6 Places to Find Me This Week

It’s almost here! Those of you that read my blog know I have two releases coming out soon, including The Reluctant Wife, the next installment in my Children of Empire Series.  Soon after will come Holiday in Bath, an anthology that includes my novella, “Lord Edmund’s Dilemma.” I owe it to my books to make […]

History, Horses, and Storytelling

Highlighting Historical Romance with Lizzi Tremayne I love writing history. It gives me a legitimate excuse to do research, and to offer history to those who might never pick up a history book. No, I’m not someone who never leaves the library, although it was my go-to place to hide out from the other kids […]

A Labor of Love

Highlighting Historical Romance: Jan Scarbrough’s My Lord Raven Writing My Lord Raven was a labor of love. It took a long time with many starts, stops, and twists along the way. I fell in love with medieval history and romance in high school with authors Thomas B. Costain and Anya Seton. Later the romance genre […]

History As We Write It

Highlighting Historical Fiction welcomes Joan Leotta History is not a collection of dates and lists of people. We think this is so when we are in school, but for me, history was listening to my Grandma talk about what went on in her life. What were people’s reactions when our entry into World War Two […]

Girl Against The World

Highlighting Historical Romance welcomes Oberon Wonch whose novel, A Knight of Her Own, was released today. You’ve likely heard of the Battle of Hastings on October 14, 1066, in which William, Duke of Normandy, and his invading army defeated the Anglo-Saxons, killed their king, and took the throne of England. What you might not know, […]

Impetuous and Scandalous

Highlighting Historical Romance presents Kelly McClymer Hi, I’m Kelly McClymer and I want to thank Caroline for giving me a chance to talk about my favorite intersection of topics — history and women. You may have heard that women in the past couldn’t do many things that men could do. While that is true, it […]

Seven Holiday Gifts: Week Seven

For seven weeks the Bluestocking Belles have brought you a gift or givewaway, a bit of holiday fiction, some information about the holiday, and a recipe. This week we bring the series to a close with Jessica Cale’s epilogue to her story Artemis, one of the eight novellas featured in the Bluestocking Belles’ 2016 holiday […]