Eight Centuries / Eight Love Stories

If you were lucky enough to attend the Bluestocking Belle’s Cover Reveal party on Saturday, you’ve had a preview of our 2017 anthology, Never Too Late.  We present eight timeless love stories across eight centuries, with eight unique takes on a single trope (a compromising situation that isn’t), an older heroine, a wise man, and […]

The Global Tourist in New Zealand

Jude Knight introduces us to Victorian Tourists to New Zealand. The nineteenth century, says the book I’m currently reading, was the European century; the century in which Europe dominated the world. The nineteenth century was a European one also in the sense that other continents took Europe as their yardstick. Europe’s hold over them was […]

Here Again—Gone Again

When I slid into June exhausted from launching The Reluctant Wife—which let me just say is a very good tale of love, loss, journeys, and reconciliation. Sigh… Where was I? Oh yes. Launching. It is exhausting work to get the word out about a new book, and I had guest visits to a few dozen […]

Bringing the Oregon Trail to Life

  Tina Susedik with details about the Oregon Trail The Trail to Love is my first historical romance and part of The Soul Mate Tree Collective. The story is set on the Oregon Trail. As I wrote the book, I research many words to find out if they were used in 1854 and was surprised […]

Romance and the American Civil War

Gina Danna on romance and war Why write about the American Civil War? It is a period that I, as a historian, love. Victorian America, with all the rules and societal set by England set, was practiced here on courting, marriage, fashion and how to manage life. Yet how did the War affect it? This […]

Guernsey—Pleasant Beaches, Daring Smugglers, Dashing Pirates

Highlighting Historical Romance: Regan Walker on Guernsey and The French Isles In my new Georgian romance, Echo in the Wind, the hero, Jean Donet, comte de Saintonge, while giving up his privateering with the end of the American War, is not immune to a bit of smuggling to keep England in brandy and tea. Jean […]

Spymasters and Their Sons

Highlighting Historical Romance: We welcome Alina K. Field today to tell us about  spymasters, and the book sounds like a gem. Thank you so much, Caroline, for having me as a guest today. My latest release, The Bastard’s Iberian Bride, is the first book in my Sons of the Spy Lord series. On one of […]

Marriage, Consent, and Potential Misery

Highlighting Historical Romance: Today my good friend Sherry Ewing talks with us about marriage, consent and her tale of a particularly disastrous arranged marriage.   Thank you Caroline for hosting me today on your blog. My latest release and series, Nothing But Time: A Family of Worth (Book One), had me researching an era that […]

Writing Romance in the Era of Downton Abbey

Highlighting Historical Romance with Ginger Monette Downton Abbey…. It took the world by storm, and I was swept up in the drama of the Crawley family along with everyone else. I was fascinated how the British aristocracy opened their lavish country homes to be used as hospitals for wounded soldiers during WW1. I had just […]

4 Reasons I Love Baseball

We spent yesterday celebrating Mother’s Day early by watching the Phillies beat the Nationals at Citizen Bank Park with #1 daughter and her family.  I have loved baseball since elementary school. No other sport (even my beloved Ohio State football) even comes close. There are 4 reasons why. Family. We trooped in, three generations, all […]