One Little Candle

This morning dawned bright and crisp here in the urban wilds of eastern Pennsylvania. Yesterday’s sharp wind and clouds are gone, leaving sunshine. If there was frost, it dissipated before I got up, but it is cold out there. The bright sun gives me energy. I never mind the cold in winter, but I begin […]

Hell’s Aftermath

Highlighting Historical Romance with P.A. Estelle My contribution to this anthology is, The Widow Buys A Groom. It takes place three years after the ending of The Civil War. This was my first story during this era and research included topics such as, Elmira, a Union camp where Confederates were kept and information on the […]

Family ~ the Fourth One

Goodness! It is Monday afternoon and, yes, I’ve had a few cups of coffee already. Lately i’m running as fast as I can to keep up with myself.  In the past month I went to the Historical Romance Retreat, did a lightning trip to Ohio, and hosted family here. In and around that I’ve keep […]

New Books Coming and a Royal Wedding

I am in the middle of writing a long post for History Imagined, and as i do my next novel is beginning to fall into place. I have already scoped out the Mallet boys, children of Georgiana and Andrew of Dangerous Works. I hinted in The Reluctant Wife that their son Richard is a budding […]

Nevada’s Copper Queen

Highlighting Historical Romance with Angela Christina Archer Someone once asked me: “Have I ever used real women as inspirations for my characters?” The answer is yes. And one in particular was for my heroine in A Road Paved in Copper. Anyone who knows my dad knows he likes to tell stories. One afternoon while visiting […]

The Silk Roads

Highlighting Historical Romance today with Jude Knight and Follow Your Star Home. The Silk Roads, a tangled interweaving network of routes that linked Europe to the Far East, formally opened for trade during the Han Dynasty of China, that is, more than 2,300 years ago. It used parts of the Royal Road, which was even […]

Here Again, Gone Again

While I managed to get all the “must do” items from last week in on time, while catching up on being back, I failed completely to make progress on The Next Book, deepen my understanding of world events 1838-40 (I did say Next Book), or finish the draft for the Valentine anthology. SIGH. I did […]

Real-life Civil War Soldier Brings a Character to Life

Highlighting Historical Romance with Jessica James Even though I grew up in Gettysburg, Pa., I didn’t have any interested in the Civil War until I moved to Virginia and discovered a real-life Confederate soldier named John Singleton Mosby. This Virginia legend is difficult to miss and impossible to overlook. One cannot drive through Loudoun or […]

Trashed! Coffee please!

He who talks more is sooner exhausted. Lao Tzu   That must explain why I am completely trashed this Monday afternoon—much talking and dancing and costume changes and friend making and parties—many parties at the Historical Romance Retreat at the Mission Inn last week. I learned that there are right hand quills and left and […]

Romance and the Irish Troubles

Highlighting Historical Romance with Alina K. Field I’m celebrating a book birthday this week—the one-year anniversary of the release of The Viscount’s Seduction, Book 2 in my Sons of the Spy Lord Series. It is set against the background of Irish History. The Viscount in question is the second son and heir (the eldest being […]