Cruising Speed?

We’ve been home for a few days and caught up with the Hanukkah folks in our life. I’ve been writing over 1000 words a day on Book one of the new series. If I can maintain it, I may have a draft by mid-February and plans for book two in place. There are speed bumps. […]

Christmas Travels

We’re off! At least we will be Thursday. I should be back in this space on December 30, gearing up for what I hope will be a productive new year. Nineteenth century travel sounds hazardous and uncomfortable but I’m not sure airports during dodgy weather, colds and flu season is such a bargain either. Wish […]

The Work Rushes Forward

My carriage is careening down the road this week. I would call it a runaway, but no, I have the reins and it is all under control. Really. The Price of Glory progresses daily. I just passed midpoint, mysterious doings have ensued in Khartoum, and I have come up with a tag line. “A splash […]


One of the most satisfying things for a writer is typing The End on a rough draft. It isn’t the actual end of the process (layers of fixes, rewrites, comments from beta readers, editing, and formatting lie ahead), but it is the point at which the thing exists. I had a moment like that last […]

The Best Laid Plans…

With apologies to Robert Burns, plans change. Sometimes life takes an unexpected turn—and so do the stories I write. The beginning and end of The Price of Glory have been clear to me, but the middle—as is often the case—has been murky. I woke up this past week with a harsh light shining on the […]

The Work Has Many Parts

What do you think of when I say I’m “writing?” I suspect most people envision the creation of the first draft of a book, the putting of words on paper, er, or into a word processor, This week I’ve been putting down words, creating new prose, at a steady pace. So. Writing. In some ways […]

Pie For Breakfast!

Why not cherry pie for breakfast? The holiday season is one long balancing act between hard work, extra effort, meditation, and celebration. I chose to start today with some leftover celebration. I couldn’t just leave it sitting all by its lonesome in that pie pan, could I? I’m running around on a gimpy foot so […]

To Blog

Blog, verb, the act of updating a website on which one records news, opinion, thoughts, and insights. This relatively new English verb out lasted the short-lived noun weblog, on which it was based. It is now ubiquitous. I blog, he blogs, you blog, they…I wonder what a Latin conjugation would look like? Ahem. Sorry. I […]