Horses for Hire: Travel Over Land in the 19th Century

Highlighting Historical Romance today presents the brilliant Jude Knight’s research into nineteenth-century travel over land. Land travel in Regency England required negotiating rough roads and weather on foot, or on an animal or a vehicle pulled by an animal. Anyone with the money could purchase a seat on a stage coach, or even the mail […]

Beer, Science, and the 18th Century

  We’re Highlighting Historical fiction with Elizabeth Ellen Carter today. She explains how shape enhances our enjoyment of beer. This is important. After all, as Benjamin Franklin is reputed to have said, “Beer is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy.” When doing some research on ale glasses for my upcoming title […]

What to write this year?

The Bluestocking Belles met yesterday. It is always a challenge to get everyone in a conference call due to the spinning earth. We have members in Australia, New Zealand, San Francisco, Florida, South Carolina and, of course, the urban wilds of Eastern Pennsylvania. We were plotting our next holiday anthology. Our overall story trope is […]

A Contest Prize Opportunity

While I’m gone, you might want to take advantage of this prizes opportunity I’m one of the sponsors of the Night Owl Romance “A Tea Party & Books” Scavenger Hunt. During this event you may find some great new books. Make sure to check my own featured title as well.   The grand prize is a $100 […]

Valentine’s Day

Do you love it or hate it? You can make a case either way. Valentine’s Day can feel like one of those contrived opportunities to sell us candy, flowers, cards, or whatever some marketing genius wishes to promote.  It can be depressing to some people, a trap that reinforces the notion that if you aren’t […]

When is the Book a Book?

On Saturday just after 3 PM, I typed THE END—another book finished! Or was it? It rather begs the question, when is the work finished?  A book is most certainly not finished when the author types “THE END.” First of all, let me explain that I’m what writers call a pantser, someone who writes by […]

Cattle, Horses, and a Cowhand

Highlighting Ana Morgan’s research about cowhands and their universe. I had lots of first-hand experience to draw on, when I started writing Stormy Hawkins. I knew homesteading. I’d been chased out of a pasture by the neighbor’s Jersey bull. (It had nasty horns and knew exactly how to use them.) I lived near the fictional […]

4 Benefits of BookCons

I leave for California and InD’Scribe on Wednesday. If you’re anywhere near Burbank, join us, especially on Saturday, the fan day,  which has programming and opportunities designed for for readers. What are the benefits? You can meet your favorite author, discover new ones, browse books in abundance (who doesn’t like that?), and meet folks who […]