
Swag. Odd word that. All that promotional material you get at conferences, races, fairs, trade shows, and business meetings—pens, magnets, sticky notes, calendars and so on—with your car dealer’s name, dentist’s address, or running show company’s logo is swag. Writers have to bring their swag as well. When asked to bring my swag, I know […]

On Outlaws

Highlighting Historical Romance with Patricia Preston on that outlaw Frank James. I did a lot of research on the James-Younger gang for Almost an Outlaw and for this blog post I’m sharing the real-life romance of Frank James, Jesse’s older brother, and the love of his life, Ann Ralston. She was a schoolteacher.  A pretty brunette, […]

The Work Has Many Parts

What do you think of when I say I’m “writing?” I suspect most people envision the creation of the first draft of a book, the putting of words on paper, er, or into a word processor, This week I’ve been putting down words, creating new prose, at a steady pace. So. Writing. In some ways […]

Highland Sheep!

Highlighting Historical Romance with Mageela Troche and some facts about Highland sheep. The iconic image of the Scottish Highlands are the green hills dotted with fat, wooly sheep. The image of the sheep we see in that pastoral ideal would be different in my thirteenth century highlander romance, Highland Scandal. Oh, they would still be […]

Buy the Best! Two hundred years of advertising

Highlighting Historical Romance with Jude Knight I’m doing the pre-format check of the Bluestocking Belles’ latest box set, Valentines from Bath, and I’ve been creating relevant advertisement to use as breaks between stories. To get them correct, I’ve dived into one of my favourite research resources: the British Newspaper Archive. This database offers nearly 30 […]

Here Again, Gone Again

While I managed to get all the “must do” items from last week in on time, while catching up on being back, I failed completely to make progress on The Next Book, deepen my understanding of world events 1838-40 (I did say Next Book), or finish the draft for the Valentine anthology. SIGH. I did […]

Real-life Civil War Soldier Brings a Character to Life

Highlighting Historical Romance with Jessica James Even though I grew up in Gettysburg, Pa., I didn’t have any interested in the Civil War until I moved to Virginia and discovered a real-life Confederate soldier named John Singleton Mosby. This Virginia legend is difficult to miss and impossible to overlook. One cannot drive through Loudoun or […]

Trashed! Coffee please!

He who talks more is sooner exhausted. Lao Tzu   That must explain why I am completely trashed this Monday afternoon—much talking and dancing and costume changes and friend making and parties—many parties at the Historical Romance Retreat at the Mission Inn last week. I learned that there are right hand quills and left and […]

Family Stories and Train Robbery in Texas

  Highlighting Historical Romance with Wareeze Woodson The beginning of Bittersweep needed no research. Yellow fever swept though Texas in epidemic proportions around 1880. Being placed in the wagon and forced out of town actually happened to my grandmother at age five. I imagined the setting and the fictitious town of Bittersweep, but something like such a place did […]

Taking Stock

I’m taking stock of my assets. As a writer, my greatest assets are story ideas and characters. I’ve taken a step back to look at what I have going for me. Let me explain. Now that The Children of Empire Series is well on its way, I have a confession to make. I don’t have […]