Truth and Children

“Pretty much all the honest truth telling there is in the world is done by children.”   — Oliver Wendell Holmes When children appear in books for adults they are often the voice of conscience, the sound of a prophet, the whisper of innocence. It is the child who points out that the emperor has […]

An Opening

First line Friday: If women were as easily managed as the affairs of state—or the recalcitrant Ottoman Empire—Richard Hayden, Marquess of Glenaire, would be a happier man. As it was, the creatures made hash of his well-laid plans and bedeviled him on all sides. Dangerous Weakness. One of the hardest things with a book is […]

Journey and Return, or Honey, I’m Baaack

I have braved the winding (rail)road and crossed Time, or at least Times Square, though the hordes of dwarfs, ogres and strange gawking fairies. I have banqueted, formed alliances, met my fellows, and sat at the feet of giants (well, at least of Susan Elizabeth Philips) and arrives safely home. What have I learned? 1. […]

La Déesse Noire: Diversity in Action

The Regency era was complex and diverse.  Regency novels tend to be fairly homogenized. I seek out more exotic settings for my Regency characters. My colleague, Mariana Gabrielle creates characters that actually demonstrate diversity in that world, as her latest release shows. Diversity is a passion with her. The book is available for pre-order now […]