Highlighting Historical Romance: Maggi Andersen

Hi Caroline, thanks for inviting me to your blog. Maggi Andersen http://www.maggiandersenauthor.com I am an Australian author of historical romance, romantic suspense and mysteries. I live in the beautiful Southern Highlands of New South Wales with my husband a retired lawyer. He is now my proof reader, and a wonderful beta reader. Since reading Georgette […]

Dangerous Secrets September Sale

Jamie Heyworth harbors secrets to protect his heart. Nora Haley fears deception will destroy everything she desires. Will love—and the truth—bind them both together? Buy it now for .99 See more here Pinterest Board http://bit.ly/1GfRHE3 Why Did Jamie Run: http://tinyurl.com/l5cm7ns IdTale http://bit.ly/1Ma2GDP

On the Road Again

Dangerous Weakness, now available for pre-order on Amazon, will be released in the wild on September 30. Between now and early November, I plan to tour the InterWebs introducing the characters, teasing readers with excerpts, and talking about my hobbyhorse, historical research.  Look for an announcement in a few days about a prize package linked […]

An Opening

First line Friday: If women were as easily managed as the affairs of state—or the recalcitrant Ottoman Empire—Richard Hayden, Marquess of Glenaire, would be a happier man. As it was, the creatures made hash of his well-laid plans and bedeviled him on all sides. Dangerous Weakness. One of the hardest things with a book is […]

Second Edits

This morning I thought to do a final pass through the current Dangerous Weakness manuscript to look for extra spaces at the end or beginning of paragraphs. That may not sound like much because you can’t see them in word processing, but the make life difficult for folks who format the document for Kindle, print, […]

Journey and Return, or Honey, I’m Baaack

I have braved the winding (rail)road and crossed Time, or at least Times Square, though the hordes of dwarfs, ogres and strange gawking fairies. I have banqueted, formed alliances, met my fellows, and sat at the feet of giants (well, at least of Susan Elizabeth Philips) and arrives safely home. What have I learned? 1. […]

The Quest

Tomorrow, loyal readers, I am off to hobnob with my fellow wizards. I shall set off on the winding road to the bright mountain where the wizards gather to share secrets.  That is to say, I’m packing to go to the Romance Writers of America Annual Conference in New York City.  Sigh. What occurs at […]

Villains: We Love To Hate

Guest Author! I’m pleased to welcome Jude Knight to my Author Blog today. It is a great way to congratulate her on today’s release of Farewell to Kindness.  I had the privilege of an advanced peak at this gem and I know my readers will love it. Why I love writing villains by Jude Knight […]

Dangerous Weakness meets Encouraging Prudence – Part 2 of 2

Today, exclusively in cyberspace, Caroline and Jude Knight tell a story in which two of their characters meet. Half is on Caroline’s blog, and half on Jude’s. If you missed PART 1 it is here.  In the virtual worlds of historical fiction, authors create whole societies of characters, interacting with real historical events and even […]

A Confession

I confess to you sadly that up until a month ago I had never read a Georgette Heyer novel.  Worse, gentle readers, when I did, I didn’t like it. I hear the collective gasps of Heyer devotees around the world. I can explain. First, a step back. Having written about the regency era, the question became, […]