Melancholia Takes Over

Did I mention I’ve been working on a novella for the Bluestocking Belles’ next annual collection? The projected release date is September. It features a group of soldiers returned from Waterloo on time for the village’s harvest festival. My hero is the village’s beloved physician whose scars are deep. There was no word for PTSD […]

Presented to Society-American Style

To the the Archers’ stunned disbelief they have been invited to a soiree at the governor’s mansion as Phillip’s guest. From Duke in Name Only, currently at with the editor. *** Nan, resplendent in crème and gold, descended on Luke’s arm. At Nate’s exclamation, they paused on the stairs. Candles from the crystal chandelier glittered […]

Lewis and Clark

Did you know… …that Lewis and Clark settled in Saint Louis after their return from their Expedition? Meriwether Lewis was the first governor of The Louisiana Territory in 1807. William Clark was appointed general of the territorial militia with primary responsibility for Indian Affairs. Lewis died two years later. During the War of 1812, in […]

Do Clothes Make the Duke?

I’m working so hard to catch up, I haven’t had much time for blog posts lately! This one is easy though. Our duke has been living on the edges of civilization along the Mississippi after being beaten, robbed and left for dead. The miscreants have been caught and he’s to testify. The prosecutor is determined […]

Rough Justice

When the Phillip, Duke of Glenmoor, gave his new friends the Archers his formal name with four Christian names, four titles, and a surname, they were highly amused. The Archers, a frontier family with its roots in the Appalachian mountains, have no truck with formality. The seized on the fourth of his names, Arthur, and […]

MidWinter Madness

A few of you may have missed me lately. For a while I was focused on writing Duke in Name Only, and then… I’ve been very focused on Beloved who has been ill and spent 16 days in the hospital. I’m pleased to announce that he is home, feels better than he has since summer, […]

River Pirates

When Phillip feels well enough to talk, Nan begins to interrogate him about how he was injured. She’s worried that the river pirates and low-life rats that infest the Ohio River below Illinois may be moving their operations to the upper Mississippi, putting her tavern at risk. Phillip tells her about a supposed gentleman he […]

Land and More Land

…that it took approximately 10,000 acres to yield an income of 10,000 pounds to a landowning aristocrat in the Regency Era? As you can imagine, it took a pile of money to pay all those servants, maintain a townhouse in addition to the country manor, and keep a stable of good horses and carriages. No […]

So begins another…

Working away at the hotel post Historical Romance Retreat. I’ve done a bit of character work, and finally got down the opening I envisioned for Duke in Name Only. When Phillip discovered that the title he held was acquired fraudulently, he wandered away to North America determined to create an independent fortune, success of his […]

Return from War

Lord Ethan lived on the streets of London with other homeless veterans for a year, too ashamed and weary to go home, before Lady Flora Landrum found him in an alley behind a tavern. Healing, slow though it may be, can happen. ***** His heart stuttered at the sight of Lady Flora Landrum turning her […]