3 Goals and Some Looming Objectives

2017 is upon us. I’ve read much angst about 2016 being an annus horribilis and many hopes that the new one will be better. What experience teaches me is that every day is a new start, every year an opportunity to do better, write better, be better. We can never control the external variables, we […]

1 Happy Christmas

We had: Choir and Mass on Christmas Eve Presents late at night Christmas brunch with ham, crepes and dozens of filling combinations Hanukkah lights and dancing dreidels Too many brownies/sticky buns/chocolates A small dog going insane over his Hanukkah bear squeak toy Chinese food to top it off I hope yours has been happy as […]

1 Great Experience

I did an interview on Maria Grace’s blog and she treated me like a SUPERHERO. Did you know I have a secret identity, a secret lair, and of course a superhero costume—but no cape. Check it out! http://randombitsoffascination.com/2016/12/18/writing-superheroes-caroline-warfield-2/#  

7 Things I Learned During My Work In Progress

My current work in progress begins in India. The hero, alas, is court martial-ed unfairly and forced to resign his commission. He has no choice but to take his half-caste children to England before he… Never mind, that’s a story for another time. He returns to England. My challenge became how to get him there, […]

Thanks Beyond Number

Where do we begin with gratitude? With the things that gratify, provide instant pleasure, or enhance our ego? With the things in our immediate circle, perhaps, like family and friends? Yes that one I think. The obvious things are faith, which gives direction and foundation of strength, and health, which enables me to build on […]

4 Reasons Editors Rock

Here I am, completely isolated in my boat studio, pouring over notes from my editor, and making changes—I wish! (Thank you Monet for the fantasy, however) It may as well be true because I’ve been completely absorbed in the task since Saturday and have lost all track time and day. I am posting my Monday […]