A Head Full of Ideas

I’ve come back from HRR19 with a suitcase full of rumpled costumes and books to read, a heart full of good memories, and a head full of ideas—too many ideas! (I #amwriting !) It occurs to me that many of you followed along on Facebook where dozens of pictures were posted. Some of you probably […]

Come Along!

I’m heading for the Historical Romance Retreat in California. Oh come along. You know you want to! Too far to drive? Can’t afford to fly? Too late to register? Follow along online. Watch for my daily updates on Facebook and Instagram. For today, I’m packing. I’m taking five costumes, and they were strewn all over […]

Piles, Packing, Progress

This is not my work room, but it does represent how I felt this weekend with piles everywhere. Among other things, my workroom has boxes of print materials—bookmarks, postcards, not cards, and cards—mine and those of friends. My inventory of books in print sit in boxes hither and yon. Conference bags full of swag, kept […]

The Work Rushes Forward

My carriage is careening down the road this week. I would call it a runaway, but no, I have the reins and it is all under control. Really. The Price of Glory progresses daily. I just passed midpoint, mysterious doings have ensued in Khartoum, and I have come up with a tag line. “A splash […]


Another hot summer day is upon me and I’m back at work at my desk. So much has piled up while I was gone and/or is pending in the near future that I have to get organized. My personal priorities won’t surprise you. but they are only the tiniest bit of help planning my time. […]

Why Stories

Stories inspire our souls for sure. They also heal our minds and I suspect, bodies as well. I’ve always said a good book is my drug of choice and I’m not exaggerating. I have no verifiable proof, of course, but my experience tells me I’m on to something. Under stress, feeling bad, going through a […]

It’s a Stretch

The peas have gone wild this year. I have to go up on tip toe to get the ones eighteen inches above my head. I’ve been picking them every day, but the little darlings also disguise themselves as leaves so I miss some of the lower ones. By the next day when I find them, […]