The White Stuff

I hit a bump in the road last week, Greg’s one year death anniversary. It was a speed bump for sure, but I was productive. In real life I cleaned out kitchen cupboards, packed up my old dishes for the Greendrop folks, and bought a new set. The old China wasn’t microwave safe. Here at […]

Sunshine, Joy, and Energy

Spring is finally popping here in the urban wilds of eastern Pennsylvania. After days of cold rain, yesterday bloomed bright, sunny, and warm. Leaves are just coming out on many trees, but the early flowering trees have blossomed. When we moved here I expected a concrete jungle, it being a very urban environment. Our township, […]

Why Stories

Stories inspire our souls for sure. They also heal our minds and I suspect, bodies as well. I’ve always said a good book is my drug of choice and I’m not exaggerating. I have no verifiable proof, of course, but my experience tells me I’m on to something. Under stress, feeling bad, going through a […]