Caroline is happy to host authors on her blog. It isn’t necessary that the featured book be a romance (mysteries and historical fiction are welcome), but it must be historical. No contemporary romance, please. Our goal is to highlight the historical facts behind the fiction.
All guests are scheduled for THURSDAYS as available. I am currently scheduling through June 2022. To schedule a slot click here. I will respond with a confirmation of a date. Please send the following by the Monday before your post is scheduled to go live.
- A short (300 words or so) post about your story’s historical background, or particularly interesting research you uncovered while writing it. Trivia is always welcome.
- A book blurb less than 200 words long
- A short bio
- The cover
- An additional graphic or two to illustrate your post (be sure they are public domain or that you have rights to publish them)
- Your profile picture
- Don’t forget buy links and contact links. I astonished how often people do.
An excerpt is welcome if it is short.
While I realize heat levels of books vary, all posts must be PG.