Author’s Blog

Housing Mushrooms

Highlighting Historical Romance with Jude Knight, who brings us an extra this week. In my latest novel, I imagined a Regency house flipper. My hero is a retired exploring officer, the Napoleonic Wars equivalent of a special forces operative, and he makes his living buying run down manors from overstretched aristocrats, and doing them up […]

Winds of Inspiration

First Coffee

The wind blows where it wills… It was super windy on Saturday, a gift from Hurricane Willa as it swept back out to sea and turned into a nor’easter blowing across the Jersey shore.  Tradition shows the Holy Spirit as a might wind, blowing wherever He chooses.  Inspiration is like that. I’m looking out at […]

Spills and Fire Starters

Highlighting Historical Romance with Sherry Ewing and struggles with authentic Regency fire starters. While editing my next Regency era release, One Moment In Time, my editor caught me using the modern day word—match. Nowhere in my twenty-first century mind did it occur to me that I had written about how we may start a fire […]

One Little Candle

This morning dawned bright and crisp here in the urban wilds of eastern Pennsylvania. Yesterday’s sharp wind and clouds are gone, leaving sunshine. If there was frost, it dissipated before I got up, but it is cold out there. The bright sun gives me energy. I never mind the cold in winter, but I begin […]

Hell’s Aftermath

Highlighting Historical Romance with P.A. Estelle My contribution to this anthology is, The Widow Buys A Groom. It takes place three years after the ending of The Civil War. This was my first story during this era and research included topics such as, Elmira, a Union camp where Confederates were kept and information on the […]