Author’s Blog

Befuddled morning

Monday winked open foggy and dark here, and I’m feeling about the same, facing a week with much to do… I got about that far and went blank. Then I tried to log in here to post and ran into a wall. I just spent the morning trying to reset my password, a task greatly […]

Do Film and TV Producers So Their Historical Homework?

Highlighting Historical Romance with Cerise DeLand Have you watched the BBC/Netflix series Bodyguard? If so, you’ve seen the Home Secretary pull up to the home of the Prime Minister.  Later they ID it as Chequers, once the home of Winston Churchill, now the PM’s. Well! This one in the show is not the real Chequers! No! […]


Yes, I mean Good Day Sunshine. The Beatles had it right. I need to laugh, and when the sun is out I’ve got something I can laugh about, I feel good,. I know this because the opposite is true, and last week we had five days of dark, dreary rain. UGH. I went into a […]

Red Wolf Fantasy

Highlighting Historical Romance with Sandra Masters Thank you, Caroline, for inviting me to participate on your site. I so looked forward to the publication of my Book Six in the Duke Series, The Blue-Eyed Black-Hearted Duke and am excited to share it with you and your readers. This novel was a daring departure from my […]

Monday Blues

  It’s a rainy Monday here in the urban wilds of eastern Pennsylvania, and I’m having a bit of a let down after a delightful weekend. How was it delightful? Over one hundred and sixty folks came to help the Bluestocking Belles celebrate the launch of Follow Your Star Home, our newest holiday anthology: eight […]