Author’s Blog

Chill Out

Some days are just good for relaxing and little else. I remembered the fallen by going to Mass this morning, and managed to get some beef into the slow cooker for barbecue sandwiches. Aside from that? Maybe I’ll read. I’ll probably write a scene or two. No parades or grilling out for me today. But […]

Pregnancy in the 19th Century

Highlighting Historical Romance with Nancy Thorne with issues around childbirth and pregnancy. Childbirth in the 19th century was the most common cause of death in women. Still, it was expected as the norm that a married woman will bear children, and that they will be her life’s purpose … a woman’s place in society. In […]

My Big Weekend

My grandson became bar mitzvah on Saturday. While it didn’t look exactly like this painting, it was done in a dignified, traditional manner. Yakov Netan’el chanted his Torah portion from Leviticus and the haftarah from Ezekiel the prophet in Hebrew. He gave a very well thought out talk on the importance of the feasts and […]

What’s In A Name?

Highlighting Historical Romance with Michelle Jean Marie and thoughts about names. From the time we are born, others are making decisions for us. Our parents name us, decide what we should wear, choose the school we attend, and take us on their ideal family vacations. When we’re young, we don’t know any better, and we […]

Let’s Pretend

I don’t know about you, but I grew up playing role playing games. In a military neighborhood—pre-Saturday morning TV—the movie theaters featured children’s movies every Saturday morning, and all the children our entire neighborhood would pile on to a bus and go the movies. Now, by “children’s movies” I don’t necessarily mean Disney. We watched […]