Author’s Blog

It’s a Stretch

The peas have gone wild this year. I have to go up on tip toe to get the ones eighteen inches above my head. I’ve been picking them every day, but the little darlings also disguise themselves as leaves so I miss some of the lower ones. By the next day when I find them, […]

Anzacs on the Western Front

Highlighting Historical Romance with Jan Selbourne’s thoughts on World War I battlefields. In 2015 I joined an Anzacs on the Western Front tour, visiting the Belgian and French WW1 battlefields where my grandfather and his brother served with the Australian Imperial Forces.  Looking at the lovely towns and villages and soft green fields it was […]

Kind Words

I am embarrassed to admit it, but kind words from a reader put a boost in my step; they energize my writing. Because my virtual universe was buzzing that Dangerous Works was free all weekend, quite a number of lovely things were said. Hitting #1 on the free Kindle historical romances list didn’t hurt either. […]

Sycamores and History

Highlighting Historical Romance with Jessica James on history, generations, and stately old trees. Lacewood is really a labor of love that combines a great deal of research I did for my other Civil War novels with a tiny tidbit of my own background and history. To back up a little, the title Lacewood came about […]

It Pours!

It never rains but it pours. The old expression usually refers to an abundance of troubles, but sometimes blessings come as well. We’re having rain daily here in the urban wilds of Eastern Pennsylvania, and the garden loves it. Since it is mostly coming in the evening or overnight, there has been plenty of sunshine […]