Author’s Blog

Japan in Upheaval

Highlighting Historical Romance with Patricia Kiyono on upheaval in Japan In the mid-nineteenth century, the country of Japan was in a state of unrest. Traditionally, the shogun, not the emperor, held the most power, and beneath him were the feudal lords, or daimyo. Emperor Komei had begun to take a more active role in political […]

Piles, Packing, Progress

This is not my work room, but it does represent how I felt this weekend with piles everywhere. Among other things, my workroom has boxes of print materials—bookmarks, postcards, not cards, and cards—mine and those of friends. My inventory of books in print sit in boxes hither and yon. Conference bags full of swag, kept […]

Eye Care in the 19th Century

Highlighting Historical Romance with Pamela Gibson on eye care in the Regency era While researching ophthalmology in the Regency period for Scandal’s Child, I discovered a medical practice in its infancy. A relatively unknown science at the beginning of the 19th century, the field was rife with quacks and charlatans. Much changed with the end […]

Running as Fast as I Can

Sorry I’m late this morning! Two mugs of coffee in, a flurry of pressing tasks checked off, and I still haven’t gotten to the main task: The Price of Glory manuscript. I feel like the guy in this picture, running as fast as I can and just hoping to get to first base. So yesterday […]

Brandy Smugglers

Highlighting Historical Romance with Barbara Monajem on Smuggling and her newest release. When I first read Georgette Heyer’s The Talisman Ring (eons ago, when I was in my teens), I was particularly taken with the brandy smugglers, who are vivid, rather charming secondary characters.  When I decided to write historical romances, a book about smuggling […]