Time for a little post-conference rest and relaxation up the California coast. Tune in next week!
Time for a little post-conference rest and relaxation up the California coast. Tune in next week!
Highlighting Historical Romance with Carrie Lomax and research into women’s medical history In researching The Lost Lord —as always happens when delving into the past—more interesting facts than I need for the story I’m telling. One of these is the history of Caesarian sections. (Don’t worry – you won’t have to read about the procedure […]
I’m heading for the Historical Romance Retreat in California. Oh come along. You know you want to! Too far to drive? Can’t afford to fly? Too late to register? Follow along online. Watch for my daily updates on Facebook and Instagram. For today, I’m packing. I’m taking five costumes, and they were strewn all over […]
Highlighting Historical Romance with Rue Allyn Medieval Women: Slaves to Convention or Independent Thinkers (Part one of three) Medieval women were fascinating creatures. The stereotypes that leap to mind include the Great Lady (queens and noblewomen), the yeoman wife, the nun and the downtrodden peasant. Regardless of status, the idea is strange to many fiction […]
September is upon on us and temptation looms to declare it Fall and begin posting pumpkins. Summer, however, is hanging around a while longer. We went to a baseball game yesterday and toasted in the sun over beer and peanuts while our team just could not work up the energy to win. Rather than pumpkins, […]