Author’s Blog

A Little Boost

What joy to see The Unexpected Wife get a bit of recognition at the 2019 RONE Awards from InD’Tale Magazine this weekend. The winner in my category, The Substitute Wife by Cici Cordelia, is also from Soul Mate Publishing. We cleaned up! One reminder for this today: this is the last day Christmas Hope is […]

Saving Lives During War

Highlighting Historical Romance with Caroline and Mme. Curie’s activity in World War I. When Europe was engulfed in war in 1914, recently widowed Marie Curie put aside her world famous work in radiation that had won her two Nobel Prizes. At the request of the French government she secured her supply of radium, and looked […]

My Five Star Weekend

OMG what a weekend. Saturday the Bluestocking Belles revealed the cover and title of their new collection, Fire & Frost. Set against the background of London’s winter of 1814 when days of snow and fog resulted in the Thames freezing over and a Frost Fair broke out on the ice, it is a glorious book. […]

Automation in Manchester

Highlighting Historical Fiction with Vicki Hopkins and thoughts on labor unrest in Victorian Manchester. The fear of men losing their jobs because of automation has continued since the dawn of the industrial revolution.  Even in our lifetime, robotic counterparts are replacing human workers and jobs are being lost. Can you imagine the fear this must […]

New Beginnings

Rosh Hashana began last night at sundown. Literally “the head of the year,” and often called “Jewish New Year.” It shouldn’t be confused with the secular New Year’s Day, however. It is the day the shofar (the rams horn) is blown as a call to remembrance, a call to “cast off” the old year and […]