Author’s Blog

New Beginnings

Rosh Hashana began last night at sundown. Literally “the head of the year,” and often called “Jewish New Year.” It shouldn’t be confused with the secular New Year’s Day, however. It is the day the shofar (the rams horn) is blown as a call to remembrance, a call to “cast off” the old year and […]

The Seeds of War

Highlighting Historical Romance with Jude Knight’s thoughts on war and seeds of war at the Cape of Good Hope In 1806, the British fought and won a battle near Cape Town. At stake was the control of the only port in Southern Africa for ships making the long journey from Europe around the Cape of […]

Join the virtual tour!

Christmas Hope is coming soon. The book will launch on October 15. You can still order it for 1/3 its normal price until then. $.99 through October 14. Join the blog tour along the way and enter to win the prize package! Christmas Hope is a wartime story in four parts, each ending on Christmas […]

A Head Full of Ideas

I’ve come back from HRR19 with a suitcase full of rumpled costumes and books to read, a heart full of good memories, and a head full of ideas—too many ideas! (I #amwriting !) It occurs to me that many of you followed along on Facebook where dozens of pictures were posted. Some of you probably […]

Research for Steampunk

Highlighting Historical Romance with Barbara Russell who reminds us Steampunk requires research too! She really got into it. Even if The Heart Collector is a steampunk novel, it’s set in Victorian Auckland and I did a lot of research to give the story a ‘real’ feel. I researched Victorian slang, currency, food, and of course […]