Author’s Blog

Cruising Speed?

We’ve been home for a few days and caught up with the Hanukkah folks in our life. I’ve been writing over 1000 words a day on Book one of the new series. If I can maintain it, I may have a draft by mid-February and plans for book two in place. There are speed bumps. […]

Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas to all — Happy Hanukah as well. However and whatever you celebrate I wish you Joy. But first, coffee!

Paradise is a Garden

Highlighting Historical Romance with Jude Knight’s thoughts on inspiration in a garden Creative inspiration is an amazing thing. Artists — storytellers in particular — are often asked where their ideas come from. The answer ‘everywhere’, though true, is unhelpful. What questioners really want to know is ‘why did this idea strike you at this time’. […]

Christmas Travels

We’re off! At least we will be Thursday. I should be back in this space on December 30, gearing up for what I hope will be a productive new year. Nineteenth century travel sounds hazardous and uncomfortable but I’m not sure airports during dodgy weather, colds and flu season is such a bargain either. Wish […]

Crossbows and Medieval Weaponry

Highlighting Historical Romance with Alyson McLayne on crossbows and the Highlands. Most writing requires some research, and if you write historical romance, like I do, it requires a significant amount—especially if specific historical events, like the Wars of Scottish Independence, and real characters, like William Wallace, impact your story. While I didn’t have the Scots […]