Author’s Blog


Ok, I admit it, I’m a paper freak. Beloved and I have been avid genealogists for many years. When you come home from a scouting trip with a deed or death record you’ve been searching for high and low, you get attached to paper. The tendency to hold on to things the younger generation— maybe […]

Bleeding, Leeches and Mesmerism

Highlighting Historical Romance with Elaine Bach on Regency medical practice. In The Perfect Partner which takes place in England in 1817, the protagonist, Lady Diana Ashton, is involved in a tragic carriage accident. Her earl brother, Colin, employs a barrage of doctors and nurses to care for her. Medicine at the time included things like “bleeding a […]

Keeping in Step

If you don’t participate in the Belles’ Brigade (the Bluestocking Belles’ street team on Facebook) you missed an interesting discussion last Saturday. The topic for Saturday Brunch was group projects—how a group of highly creative friends goes about creating a collection of stories to publish. Let me summarize it. As you can see, keeping everyone […]

Shalloons— and Other Wool Textiles

Highlighting Historical Romance with Bronwyn Parry on historical wool textiles. Calamanco, camblet, lastings, shalloons… chances are, you may never have heard these terms. They’re the names of various worsted (wool) textiles that have virtually disappeared from our cultural memory, and yet they were once so common that everyone in Georgian and Regency Britain would have […]

Monday: Extra Coffee

Busy Monday! After two mugs and Mass I was off and writing. The story is now well past 12000 words and Rob, aka Major Lord Robert Benson is now firmly mired in his home town and his father’s coaching inn by family threads and regional secrets. He has unraveled a few but more keep appearing. […]