Author’s Blog

The First Week in March, 1815

Highlighting Historical Romance with Justine Covington who describes the busy beginning of March 1815 in Britain The first week in March 1815 was a busy one in Britain, and I used the events during this week to set up my debut book, His Lady to Protect. Corn Law Riots The Corn Laws were tariffs being […]

Blessings in a Time of Solitude

A fit of grim humor came over me this week I searched for plague jokes. Sometimes laughter is the only medicine that works. But they wore thin. Beloved and I were already keeping in solitude a week ago, you may recall. After a few days of ambivalence and confusion about that we concluded we were […]

Carlisle Castle, Border Fortress

Highlighting Historical Romance with Sawyer North on castles in England. Fair Weather Enemies is an enemies-to-lovers road tripping treasure hunt that begins in earnest at Carlisle Castle in Northwest England. In the pantheon of English castles, the one at Carlisle barely registers with most sightseers. Its blocky appearance and small size are a byproduct of […]

Hope and Snowdrops

Look what I found in my yard over the weekend. There were many of them in the woods along the creek as well. What joy! The daffodil buds are yellow and about to open and the dogwood is covered with buds too. This is excellent. While Beloved and I are more or less avoiding crowds […]

Kings of Ireland

Highlighting Historical Romance with Ashley York who brings us warrior kings. The Warrior Kings series takes place in eleventh century Ireland. That’s after the death of Brian Boru in 1014 and before the invasion of the Normans from England. I would venture to say the best-known kings of this time are the English Kings. The […]