Author’s Blog

Kidnapped by a Love Story

Highlighting Historical Romance with Clare Rhoden and some lovely stories from The Great War Hi, I’m Clare Rhoden and I live in Melbourne Australia. I’m thrilled to be here today to tell you a bit about my First World War novel, The Stars in the Night. I was kidnapped into the era by a love […]

Sunshine and Flowers

It remains nippy here and spring rains have been abundant, but there’s enough sun to brighten up my mood. (I’ve ever been prone the seasonal affective despond) Another round of flowers has decided to pop now that the daffodils, forsythia, and tulip trees have faded. I give to you my dogwood tree: Which is to […]

Conspiracy on Cato Street

Highlighting Historical Romance with Donna Hatch and the Cato Street Conspiracy It is England in 1820, a time of social and economic upheaval. The long-term Napoleonic wars had ended, but peace was far from realized. Unemployed career soldiers and sailors flooded the workforce. Industrial change pulled England from a largely agricultural country to one of […]

Joy in the morning!

Pie! After a quietly joyful Easter, with virtual worship and some encouraging moments, I woke up to the last of yesterday’s cherry pie for desert, Beloved’s company, and good work to do. I also had a concrete favor I could do for one of my children–in times when feelings of helplessness lurk around the corner […]

The Maxwell Ghost

Highlighting Historical Romance with Ruth A. Casie on ghosts and Caerlaverock Castle history and intrigue “It pulls at my heart with its beauty and purpose. It represents all I hold dear in a person, if that’s possible, heart, soul and strength.”  Laura Reynolds, The Maxwell Ghost I knew I found the right setting for my […]