Author’s Blog

Mother’s Day Joy

“It wasn’t a typical Mother’s Day, but I’ll take it.” I heard that more than once yesterday, and I felt the same. Our phone began ringing early Sunday morning, and the electronic cards came quickly as well. Joy on all sides! Friends reported the same. Most of us would have preferred hugs and family around […]

Iran in Turmoil

Highlighting Historical Romance with Jude Knight on Central Asia, the Silk Road, and turmoil in Iran. When I began to write Paradise Regained, prequel to my Children of the Mountain King series, I didn’t have much of a clue about the location. The plot required that my hero and heroine live in Central Asia, somewhere […]

An Abundance of May

May exploded in Cheltenham over the weekend. After a cold, wet April with temperatures well below average, two days with sun and temperatures in the 70s came as a joy. We moved my trays of tomatoes and broccoli to the patio with some trepidation, prepared to drag them back inside if faced with lows in […]

Letter Writing in the Regency Era

Highlighting Historical Mystery with Barbara Monajem’s research into letter writing in the early 19th Century While writing Lady Rosamund and the Poison Pen, I had to research letter writing two hundred years ago. So much has changed since then! In my childhood, before the age of cheap long-distance calls and then the Internet, we communicated […]

It’s a Puzzle

Along with toilet paper, baby chicks, and hand sanitizer, the great covid-19 lockdown has produced a run on jigsaw puzzles. Luckily our house was prepared. Beloved got two big ones for Christmas and we have not yet had to break out our previous stock. Progress, and yet, confusion. Not unlike the state of the country, […]