Author’s Blog

The Victorian Lady’s Best Friend

Highlighting Historical Romance with Jo-Anne Roberts on Victorian hair care, particularly the use of bandoline. Long before the invention of hairspray as we know it today, women used a variety of substances to keep their curls and pesky fly-away strands intact. In Victorian times, a product known as bandoline was used as a sort of […]

Murder and Regency Policing

Highlighting Historical Romance with Elf Ahearn on the subject the police in the Regency era. The Baron of Bad Behavior is the second book in a new series I’m writing. It’s a lighthearted romp featuring a daredevil heroine. That said, in keeping with my tagline, “Regency romance with a Gothic twist,” a minor character meets […]

Prizes and Chances

Remember Monday I was mulling how I communicate? I was struggling with the promotion of my work. I still am, and here I am early this week! In the meantime, I’ve offered folks on Facebook an opportunity to participate. I will give one winner the right to specify a story that I will dedicate to […]

Musical Burlesque

Highlighting Historical Romance and musical burlesque in the Victorian Era with Stephanie Patterson Musical burlesque, as music hall was once known, has a colorful history from its beginnings in working-class taverns, to the full-scale performances inside gilded theatres that we think of today. In the early 1860s, when my story takes place, people continued flooding […]


Today I sit and ponder some questions. Will anyone notice if I stop writing this column every week? Would my energy be better spent on a monthly newsletter, perhaps one with periodic bits of free stories? Will this stay-at-home ever end? Sigh. I have a novella to write! But first? Coffee.