Author’s Blog


Today I sit and ponder some questions. Will anyone notice if I stop writing this column every week? Would my energy be better spent on a monthly newsletter, perhaps one with periodic bits of free stories? Will this stay-at-home ever end? Sigh. I have a novella to write! But first? Coffee.

The Highlands and the Picts

Highlighting Historical Romance from the Highlands with Christina Phillips Thank you, Caroline, for highlighting me on your blog today! I’ve always loved history and as a Brit I was lucky enough to visit many Roman ruins and medieval castles as a child. It’s no surprise that I also love historical romance! But I also love […]

Time is fleeting…

We had a relaxing weekend. We did patio and margaritas with our daughters on Friday and then a quiet—utterly delicious—chicken barbecue for just the two of us on Saturday. Then we streamed Hamilton. We saw it on stage three years ago, but watching the original cast was a treat. I was struck once again by […]

Insane Asylums in the Regency Era

Highlighting Historical Romance with Bronwen Evans who addresses insane asylums—and Alzheimer’s Disease— in the Regency Era. I’ve just released INVITATION TO PLEASURE, book #3.5  a Christmas novella in my INVITATION TO series. The story revolves around my heroine’s epic battle to protect her mother who, unknown in the Regency era, has early onset Alzheimer’s. Alzheimer’s […]

Coffee and a Boost

Sometimes we all need a boost. I got one this weekend. I attended a virtual-entirely-online-yes-in-zoom writers’ conference. I was not terribly excited about it. After all there’s no driving to Williamsburg or motoring to Atlanta or flying to California for me this year. Even one I had eyed in Peoria in the fall is looking […]