Author’s Blog

Beta Reading

I’ve written before about the phases of writing a book, of which completing a rough draft and typing “the end” is one step. After an author has gone through it a few times, smoothing out the rough and getting it more or less in shape, some authors—I’m one—like to give the book to beta readers […]

The Aspirin of the Regency

Highlighting Historical Romance with Pamela Gibson who shares thoughts about laudanum. Laudanum has been called the aspirin of the Regency period. It was available without a prescription from apothecaries, pubs, and other places of business. Made of opium alkaloids including morphine and codeine, it came in various strengths and forms, usually as a tincture mixed […]


While tap dancing. And balancing a ball on my nose. I typed those wonderful words at the bottom of my novella for the Bluestocking Belles’ next collection: The End. Which means of course, the beginning of more work. I have until Friday to work my way through it in the first of what will be […]

Serving God: the Regency Parish

Highlighting Historical Romance with Jude Knight who explains landowners and livings: the Regency parish The church and the parish were important in rural England in the first part of the nineteenth century. Faith in God was a simple part of life for most ordinary people, if not for the idle rich. Besides, village life depended […]

The Big Bluff

Highlighting Historical Romance with Becky Lower on cross-dressing, Dorchester Heights, and driving the British from Boston Even though by today’s standards a woman dressing as a boy is not necessary or even insulting, it’s important to remember that throughout history, women did not have the same rights as men. If you want to be authentic […]