Author’s Blog

Good News and Stubbed Toes

I have drafts for five new covers! Not only do I have the draft for The Price of Glory, but all four covers for the Ashmead Heirs series! (Information about those books is here.) All five covers are gorgeous, and I cling to that good news. Once they are final, I’ll be sharing them in […]

From Storyville to the Easter Rising

Highlighting Historical Fiction with Viola Russell, with fun facts from the life of her character Jude Mooney during the Easter Rising and in Storyville. Prohibition, Storyville in New Orleans, and the Easter Uprising of 1916 play very important roles in From Ice Wagon to Club House and then in The Progeny. Jude Mooney, my central […]

WIP: Separation and Loss

From The Defiant Daughter The man who brought Maddy to Wales dragging his feet, the one who avoided his family for over a decade, now insisted he couldn’t leave. “Not yet. I need more time with my brother.” Brynn shot a glance at Gavin and muttered, “About safety lanterns if nothing else.” Maddy thought he […]

Did you know: 1818 Flu

That 675,000 people died in the United States the 1918 influenza pandemic? If, like me, you wondered how that compares to our current crisis, here are some numbers. The population of the U.S. in 1918 estimated at 103 million (population is a moving target. It is always an estimate. The number of dead represented .5 […]

Coffee and a Question

Monday dawned bright enough this week, but yet another light snow is falling. It will turn to rain, no doubt by noon, just as I’m scheduled to sneak out of my Covid cave for a vaccination appointment. Grrr. But I’m not missing the opportunity. Last week was stressful and crazy with a jangling phone, many […]