Author’s Blog

War and the People of the Hudson Valley

Highlighting Historical Fiction with Camille Regholec The spark for this book series came after I moved to the small, sleepy hamlet of Summitville in the Catskill Hudson area of New York. I began attending a little country church, most parishioners were elderly, long time members of the community. This church had a strange custom. One […]

The Woman Who Vaccinates

Vaccines are on my mind—I just got my second dose of Moderna two days ago. I didn’t set out to write about vaccination programs when I first conceived The Price of Glory three years ago. Even when my hakima (female healer) took shape and I realized that vaccination was a vital part of the work […]

Joy in the Morning

As the psalmist says, joy cometh in the morning. The sun is shining, the temperature is rising at last, my Lent roses have bloomed, the daffodils look ready, my weight watchers program is working (good bye COVID weight), I’m scheduled for COVID shot #2 today, and I have The Price of Glory back from the […]

The Great Irish Potato Famine & The Trail of Tears

Highlighting facts behind historical fiction with Gifford MacShane on family history, the potato famine, and her books. The Donovan Family Saga, and in particular, THE WINDS OF MORNING, was inspired by my father’s family, who emigrated from Ireland in the late 1800s and early 1900s. As I looked over a genealogy my niece created, I […]

WIP: Enter the Hero

Last week I shared the opening scene to The Value of Pity from my “difficult” heroine’s point of view. I deliberately plunged readers into it without explanation to see how my readers might react to her. This week I’m giving you the scene that precedes it, from the hero’s POV. Is this young lord up […]