Author’s Blog

Did you know England obsessed on the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire throughout the nineteenth century? They called it “The Eastern Question.” The empire begin to decline after they lost the Battle of Vienna in 1683. By 1800, the empire was greatly weakened. Imperial Russia stood to benefit from that decline. England deemed the survival […]

June Burns Out

June is going out, if not in a blaze of glory, at least a blaze. There was a sale at the garden center and we stocked up humming-bird friendly perennials at the worst possible time. Heat indexes here in the urban wilds are approaching 100 degrees. We have to get out and water and do […]

A Westerner in China

Highlighting Historical Romance with Cerise Deland and the facts behind Ravishing Camille. Selecting the right details to put in a historical novel is always a challenge! Illuminating certain facts and making them meaningful in romance is a bigger one because we authors wish to be prudent too. In RAVISHING CAMILLE, my hope was to illuminate […]

The Journey Begins

For Work in Progress Wednesday, a bit from The Price of Glory, the moment in which the journey along the Nile to Khartoum begins. ***** The sight of Anastasie Cloutier climbing onto the boat caused Richard’s heart to stutter. When Bashkim introduced Dr. Navarre, he had referred vaguely to the rest of a medical party. […]

Writing 101: Characters

I allowed character development to languish lately. It has been a bit chaotic in our little stone cottage in the urban wilds. Visitors coming. Visitors going. Visitors rescheduling. Visitors coming. News from afar, not all of it good. Children delighting Beloved for Father’s Day. Vegetables shouting “pick me now.” Garden beds either swamped by rain […]