Author’s Blog

The Curate Strays

I’m working on a novella this week. How does this work? My hero is a poor curate who oversees a mission called Pilgrim’s Rest. *** “Do you think they can make home before dark?” Doro Bigglesworth had come up beside him, shutting the door to Pilgrim’s Rest. “Perhaps. Perhaps the Lord will supply them with […]

The Writer Returns!

Sometimes family comes first. Life—in the form of family—intervened to complicate my July. You may have noticed I was absent from this blog, but I’m back at my usual desk and catching up. Still, I kept working as I could all month. While I was gone: The Price of Glory went live. We had a […]

The Slums of London in Regency England

Highlighting the Facts behind Historical Romance with Jude Knight Like any big city, London has always had slum areas. In the early nineteenth century, they were noxious and dangerous. I’ve been studying them for the last two novels in my Regency series, The Return of the Mountain King. In 1800, over a million people lived […]

Worry Beads

Highlighting Historical Romance with Pamela Gibson and her novel Scandal’s Deception. My quirky American heroine in Scandal’s Deception uses worry beads to calm herself. Hers areamber and are spaced evenly on a string. Worry beads were believed to have been created by monks in Mount Athos, Greece, years beforethe time of A.D. Like strings of […]

New Book; New World

I’ve been forced to spend more time lately dealing with Real Life rather than my fictional worlds lately but I’m taking a moment out to remind everyone that Thursday will see the release of not only a new book but a new Caroline Warfield fictional world. The Wayward Son launches on Thursday and will be […]