Author’s Blog

Writing Process Blog Hop

This week I’m participating in a Romance Writers Blog Hop.  I almost want to say the Great Romance Writers Blog Hop; it has been passed from writer to writer for some time. Not only do you get to know a little about me and my writing process, but I get to introduce you to fellow […]

Mrs. Rowden’s School

Today I have the privilege of guest blogging on A Convent Garden Gilflurt’s Guide to Life. My topic is Mrs. Rowden’s school, an example of a lady’s school in the Regency era, with some well known students. Lady Caroline Lamb was the most notorious among them.

What is Regency?

I recently saw the question “What is Regency?” My reaction was, “Do you mean people don’t know?” Since Dangerous Works and its soon to follow sequels are set in the era this is a question of some interest to me. Writers chat easily among themselves about what is Regency and what is Georgian and what is Victorian. […]

The British Navy: Trafalgar and Lake Erie

Be sure to check my latest post on History Imagined, “Nelson, Perry and the Battle of Lake Erie.”  The romance of the Age of Sail and the dominance of the British navy met of Put-in-Bay Ohio in 1813.

A Rare Bird: Letitia Landon and Hellenism

I’ve posted (and lamented) at length about women’s education or lack thereof in the Regency era and the years that followed.  The few women with any sort of rigorous intellectual life or semblance of a classical education were self taught.  Today I present an interesting example. Letitia Elizabeth Landon published poetry and novels under the […]