Author’s Blog

Danger All Around

Writing is one thing; selling books is another.  Many writers finally get their book published and “out there,” feel like they’ve finally climbed the mountain, and turn around only to see an even higher peak lying right ahead of them. There are grizzlies in those mountains and dangers all around. In the world of self-publishing, […]

Is it Magic? The Confusing World of Book Production

I’m still doing the happy dance after finding the paperback version of Dangerous Works on Barnes & Noble.  The rest of the world, if they are aware of me at all, probably scratched their head and asked, “Didn’t that book come out last year?”  Well, yes and no.  If you are a happy member of […]

Anniversaries and Remembrance

It was a busy week for historical anniversaries, celebrations, and reenactments. If the founding of Philadelphia didn’t grab you, how about Waterloo?  Check on my blog today on History Imagined.  

Inspiration in Action

Last week I mapped out a novella to be released for the holiday season in November. Unlike my Dangerous series, this one is a stand alone story that will be self-published. Gulp. I embarked on the project mostly to learn about the publishing process.  I also did it because I couldn’t get one thought out […]

La Déesse Noire: Diversity in Action

The Regency era was complex and diverse.  Regency novels tend to be fairly homogenized. I seek out more exotic settings for my Regency characters. My colleague, Mariana Gabrielle creates characters that actually demonstrate diversity in that world, as her latest release shows. Diversity is a passion with her. The book is available for pre-order now […]