Author’s Blog

Art and the Working Author

If you read my blog posts here, on the Teatime Tattler, or on History Imagined, you will have noticed they are frequently illustrated with paintings. They provide period atmosphere and imagination starters. Since the Dangerous Works, Dangerous Secrets, and Dangerous Weakness are all set during the late Georgian period of English history (also know as […]

Jane and a Love of Story

What books did you love growing up? What is the first romance book you read and loved? Who is your all time (go way back now) favorite author? Romance author? Some corners of the  Interwebs have designated Thursday “Throwback Thursday.”  This is the first of what I hope will be a regular series of posts […]

Second Edits

This morning I thought to do a final pass through the current Dangerous Weakness manuscript to look for extra spaces at the end or beginning of paragraphs. That may not sound like much because you can’t see them in word processing, but the make life difficult for folks who format the document for Kindle, print, […]

Fruits of My Travels

The clicking you hear is from my hands flying across the keyboard.  Much to do, Much to do!  Blame it on travel. First of all I am back at the novella set in Venice I promised myself (while on the airplane home) I would finish this summer. I did a full run through and so […]

Journey and Return, or Honey, I’m Baaack

I have braved the winding (rail)road and crossed Time, or at least Times Square, though the hordes of dwarfs, ogres and strange gawking fairies. I have banqueted, formed alliances, met my fellows, and sat at the feet of giants (well, at least of Susan Elizabeth Philips) and arrives safely home. What have I learned? 1. […]