Author’s Blog

Throwback Thursday Books

It’s Throwback Thursday and my mind is on books again. Two weeks ago I wrote about childhood reading and claimed that I could not remember a many examples of  fiction from childhood. Perhaps I exaggerated. Comments here and in social media reminded me of several: Johnny Tremain, A Light in the Forest, and Misty of […]

Broke a Cardinal Rule

As a new author one of my challenges is obtaining numbers of reviews. Amazon likes numbers. The more reviews you have, the better they like you.  Numbers. Really. I’ve been blessed that most of the reviews for Dangerous Secrets have been five stars. None have been less than three. Everyone likes to read those five […]

Art and the Working Author 2: My Hero

In a previous piece I described how I look for public domain graphics to illustrate blog posts, Facebook posts, and memes about the Regency era.  Today i want to write about a particularly knotty problem.  How do I find a portrait to stand in for my hero? When I envisioned Richard Hayden, the Marquess of […]

An interview with Her Grace of Haverford

If you have read the books or blogs of Jude Knight, you know she is a master of character creation.  She offers a free copy of A Baron for Becky to one random commenter.  In this piece, the author interviews the Duchess of Haverford, who has a supporting (but pivotal) role in A Baron for […]

So It Begins

Books be damned and women with them.  So begins Dangerous Works First line Friday is a great time to celebrate the best first lines in books, but why not tell you about my own.  Next week: Dangerous Secrets.